Running a small or solo business can be rewarding and life-changing, but it can also be frustrating and challenging.
The biggest of those frustrations is having to make decisions about all four of the essential parts of a business, even if they're not in your current skillset: management, marketing, operations and finance. The biggest challenge is being able to keep yourself motivated month in, month out, through the ups and downs.
In here, you'll find a range of coaching and accountability services to help you with both of these things.
Your personality, skills and experience are the most important assets of your one-person business and believe it or not, you've probably got more going for you than you realise. The unique combination of these factors will determine who's likely to be interested in what you have to offer and what that offer is likely to look like.
Before you think about where you're going, take a moment to consider what you've got to get you there.
Our identity or “self” is a model we create to help us make sense of the world. It determines how we see ourselves and other people and is the single biggest factor in our happiness and success.
Have you got an accurate answer to the question “what do you do, who do you do it for and why do you do it better than anyone else?” If not, then you’re missing the single most important tool in your marketing toolbox.
Branding is about more than just pretty. It’s about describing the experience of working with you to someone you’ve never met. So before you dash off for a logo, dash in here and find out what you need.
“Build it and they will come” didn’t work for Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams and it’s unlikely to work for you. Make it easy for people to work with you and you’ll improve your chances of business success.